
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Short Italy Jokes

Q: Why did the Mafia cross the road? A: Forget about it. 
Q: What do you get when you cross an Italian and a Jew? A: Olive Garden 
Q: How can you tell if an Italian is in the Mafia? A: His favorite dish is broken leg of lamb. 
Q: What is a four-letter word in Italian for goodbye? A: "BANG"! 
Q: What do you call an Italian who marries someone Polish? A: A social climber. 
Q: What do you call an Italian hooker? A: A pastatute. 
Q: How does every Italian joke start? A: By looking over your shoulder. 
Q: Whats the difference between a smart Italian and a unicorn? A: Nothing, they're both fictional characters 
Q: Did you hear about the winner of the Italian beauty contest? A: Me neither. 
Q: Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? A: He pasta way. 
Q: What do you call a Roman with a cold? A: Julius Sneezer 
Q: Why wasn't Jesus born in Italy? A: He couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin. 
Q: Why don't Italians have freckles? A: Because they slide right off. 


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